Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in which t'ai chi or qigong was the principal intervention and where participants were older than 55 years were eligible for the review. Participants had to live in the community or in independent living facilities. Included studies reported a wide variety of outcomes, mainly related to falls and balance, physical function, cardiovascular health and psychological health (depression or anxiety). Most participants were women. Most included trials recruited participants with a history of chronic disease, but some involved healthy older people. Details of the intervention varied between trials, but typically involved a 60-minute session two or three times a week. Intervention length ranged from three weeks to 12 months (three to six months was most common). Control groups received a variety of interventions, which included other exercise interventions, health education, usual care and remaining on a waiting list.
The authors stated neither how the studies were selected for the review nor how many reviewers performed the selection.