Record Status This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database. Citation Calvert J, Kelly J. What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of dynamic elastomeric fabric orthoses (DEFOs) for cerebral palsy? Glasgow: Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Technologies scoping report 14. 2013 Authors' conclusions Summary.
This scoping report identified limited clinical and no cost-effectiveness evidence on this topic. Although two systematic reviews published subsequently to NHS QIS EN11 were identified, neither included additional studies. The reviews found that splinting may improve functional abilities in some children with CP. Results from an RCT (with some shortcomings) on upper limb splints in CP suggested that lycra® is a beneficial intervention which is most effective when worn for a period of time (3 months), with small carryover effects on removal of the splint. However this was a small study (n=16) and so the results should be treated with caution. Synthesis of the literature is difficult due to the differences in the types of orthoses worn (eg glove/body suit), manufacturers' designs, types of CP in clinical samples and outcomes measured. Further research, with larger numbers, longer follow ups and homogeneity in terms of type of garment and manufacturers' design, is required to determine the effects of lycra® splinting in CP.
No evidence was identified in relation to adults with CP. The evidence base is limited in amount and in quality with little development since the publication of EN 11.
Indexing Status Subject indexing assigned by CRD MeSH Cerebral Palsy; Disability Evaluation; Orthotic Devices; Outcome Assessment (Health Care) Language Published English Country of organisation Scotland English summary An English language summary is available. Address for correspondence Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Delta House, 50 West Nile Street, Glasgow, G1 2NP Tel: 0141 225 6998 Email: AccessionNumber 32013000486 Date abstract record published 25/06/2013 |